The 2020 Afghanistan Conference Scheduled for 23-24 November 2020 in Geneva

Mon, Oct 05 2020 8:28 PM

The 2020 Afghanistan Conference Scheduled for 23-24 November 2020 in Geneva is a milestone event in Afghanistan’s journey to peace, prosperity, and self-reliance. This conference is jointly organized by the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Government of Finland and the United Nations, and the conference aims to renew international and Afghan commitments to the development and stability of Afghanistan, to agree to joint development goals for 2021-24 and to coordinate development cooperation regarding financial support for Afghanistan.


Today Oct 05, 2020, a joint meetingbetween the Ministry of Finance, the United Nations representatives and the Finland Embassy in Afghanistan and the technical teamfrom three sides was held on Geneva Conference- 2020.


In the beginning, Mr. Arghandiwal has welcomed and appreciated the efforts of the United Nations and the Finland Governments for their coordination and cooperation regarding the conducting of the conference.

He added; the Afghan government is fully prepared for the 2020 Development Conference, the documentations especially the second document of the Afghanistan National Peace and Development framework (ANPDF-2), are being completed. And the comments and opinions from Governmental organizationsand the donors are already received and reviewed, and soon as possible will be shared with International community and partners. 


The Finland Government special envoy for 2020 Development Conference said; the parties and UN headquarter in Geneva is ready and all preparations for conducting this event has taken. He says this conference is vital and important for Afghan people which the Financial cooperation with Afghanistan and the re-establishment of cooperation will be discussed in the upcoming conference.

The UN is committed to working with the Afghan Government, Finland, and the donor community to deliver the best possible outcome for the benefit of all Afghans,” said Deborah Lyons, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan.