Various Contrabands Seized in Kandahar, Nimroz, Helmand Provinces During Last Week!
Mobile surveillance staff of the General Directorate of Customs prevented some import and export goods from being smuggled during last week in different areas of Kandahar, Nimroz and Helmand provinces.
Among these seized contrabands are 1,150kg cloths, 4,000kg of dal (lentil/ pulse), 2,200kg of Yunani (Herbal) medicine, 120kg of agricultural medicine, 1,170kg of medical medicine, 35 ton of malts, 12.2 ton of sweets, 260 cartons of wrench and 10 bikes, which the smuggler wanted to smuggle from Pakistan to Afghanistan.
Likewise, the staff also halted the export of 65,500kg of scrap/ old iron in Helmand province, which the smugglers planned to smuggle to Pakistan.