State-Owned Improved agricultural seeds and Services Corporation’s Activities and Accomplishments

Wed, Nov 16 2022 12:38 PM

The State-Owned Improved Seeds and Agricultural Services Corporation produced 3030 metric tons of improved seeds, indicating a double increase compared to the past years in which transferring and selling the total wheat grown in the Y-1400 and 1401 reached 150 million Afghanis.
In addition, this state-owned corporation managed to produce and sell ten metric tons of vegetables and 13,032 metric tons of other plans as well as removing 13,267 acres of land from the usurpers in Kandahar, Ghazni, Paktia, Balkh, and Jawzjan, of which 2,692 acres have been used for cultivation.
By having active brunches in 8 provinces (Baghlan, Nangarhar, Parwan, Kandahar, Helmand, Balkh, Jawzjan, and Herat), this state-owned corporation is striving to increase its revenue above the target of 248 million.
