MoF Approves Decisions of Second Meeting of Tariff Committee of Current Fiscal Year

Second meeting of the Tariff Committee that had been convened on the 20th of September (29th Sanbula), its decisions were approved by the Ministry of Finance on the 30th of September (8th Mizan) according to the Customs Law. Its details are as follows:
1. The customs tariff of imported welded galvanized iron pipes has been increased (10 – 20) % that is applicable in all customs offices of the country from the first of October (9th Mizan).
2. The customs tariff of imported batteries has been increased (5 – 8) % that is applicable on the 31st of October (9th Aqrab).
3. Transparent adhesive plastic bags for dry fruits and clothes, which used to be for customs duty with 50% tariff in the Sair Code (Mixed Code) was created a national code for the said merchandise and 25% tariff was determined for the customs duty. It was decided to be implemented in all customs offices of the country from the first of October (9th Mizan) onwards.