Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Office of the Deputy Minister of Policy

Publish Date
Closing Date
- Objective and Purpose of the Assignment:
- The Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved a knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) in November 2019 to assist the Government of Afghanistan in infrastructure policy reform, planning, implementation and delivery performance. The TA, which is the third of a series of TA projects supported by ADB, aims to: (i) improve the monitoring of ADB-financed projects in Afghanistan by engaging third party monitoring consulting firms, (ii) enhance the government’s infrastructure project performance monitoring system (PPMS), (iii) support project management, and (iv) strengthen institutional and human capacities.
- To support the TA objectives, a National Monitoring and Evaluation will be recruited to help the Ministry of Finance (MOF) and the sector line ministries with improving the monitoring and evaluation of infrastructure projects in Afghanistan. The consultant will also support capacity building and institutional strengthening activities and implement the actions for improved processes, performance, and efficiency.
- Scope of Work
- The consultant will work together with the International Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist to support the MOF and the sector line ministries in enhancing the Project Performance Monitoring System (PPMS), reporting methodologies, periodic evaluations, and consolidation and analysis of the M&E reports. The consultant will also support preparation of institutional strengthening and capacity building plans and deliver capacity building activities for government officials. The consultant will work with the Office of Deputy Minister of Policy and the sector line ministries.
- Detailed Tasks/Expected Output
The consultant will undertake, but not limited to, the following tasks:
- Review the existing PPMS in the Ministry of Finance (MoF).
- Assist in development of MoF’s monitoring and evaluation plan including the specific parameters of infrastructure site visits, asset verification, and data collection.
- Provide feedback on project M&E short comings and recommendations for improving project implementation and impact.
- Provide recommendations for the refinement and streamlining of the PPMS.
- Review and improve data collection and reporting methods used by MoF and sector line ministries.
- Conduct quality assurance and quality control of data collected on site visits by M&E focal points.
- Assist in conducting assessments and studies of project impacts.
- Ensure that all technical teams possess adequate expertise in the areas of performance measurement.
- Assist in carrying out baseline surveys before projects begin, followed by periodic surveys to track progress.
- If needed, conduct field visits to the project site and collect necessary data.
- Review and verify progress of projects against deliverables, milestones and results.
- Participate in and contribute to internal and external training and conferences and other activities for advocacy, dissemination, and knowledge building.
- Performance Management Clause
- The contract is subject to performance evaluation review, conducted at midpoint or annually, whichever comes first. The review shall be based on achievement of assignment specific outputs on time and on budget. Any changes in stated outputs need to be approved by ADB. ADB reserves the right to terminate the contract i) if outputs are not achieved on time and at quality level acceptable to ADB; ii) services are no longer required or iii) for any other reasons in the interest of the project. Pre-termination of the contract is subject to 2-weeks notice.
D1. Recruitment
The consultant will be engaged by AFRM as individual consultant according to ADB’s Procurement Policy.
D2. Consultancy Contract Administration
The TA consultant will prepare a Workplan (for the year) to be approved by the Deputy Minister of Policy. This Workplan and the agreed deliverables will be monitored by the Deputy Minister, with the consultant submitting summary quarterly reporting to the ADB-AFRM. The senior economist claims to be submitted to AFRM.
D3. Assistance and Support for the Project Team
The consultant will be responsible for making his/her own arrangements for the logistics. The MOF will provide office space.
D4. Deliverables
Deliverables |
Type |
Estimated Submission Date |
Inception Report |
Report |
Within first month of the contract- with Workplan |
Quarterly Reporting |
Report |
To start at the end of first quarter of the contract -summary report on agreed deliverables |
Final Report |
Final Report |
At the end of the assignment |
D5. Minimum Qualification Requirements
- The consultant will have:
- A bachelor’s degree in monitoring and evaluation, economic development and policy or related areas such as political economy, social science, finance, public administration or a related discipline and at three years of relevant professional experience.
- Demonstrated analytical expertise and experience in preparing and undertaking public sector, budget and fiscal, and institutional reforms.
- Technical experience in infrastructure and implementation monitoring and performance.
- Experience in government-donor relations and policy dialogue.
- Strong communication skills with fluency in local languages and English.
Step 1: Go to the link below:Step 2: Please register as individual consultant (Guide attached in the e mail)
Step 3: Please click on consulting opportunities as highlighted in yellow.