Acting Minister of Finance: Afghanistan Faces a Serious Drought and Famine Situation

Wed, Nov 28 2018 11:27 AM

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive of the National Unity Government, Ms. Soraya Dalil, Afghan Ambassador to the UN based in Geneva, Junichi Yamada, JICA Vice President, Ms. Karen Freeman, USAID Assistant to the Administrator, Ms. Valerie Guarnieri, Assistant Secretary- General, of World Food Program have participated at the event.

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive of the National Unity Government was the main speaker of the meeting and Soraya Dalil, Afghan Ambassador to UN based in Swiss was monitoring the meeting process.


In the meeting, Acting Minister of Finance told the participants how Afghanistan faces a serious drought and famine situation. He also talked about the statistics irrigated and rain fed lands, agriculture and water crises. He said the government have no short-term focus on these projects, but practical measures in the medium and long term. According to Acting Minister of Finance, the government is working to prevent and mitigate the risks of these sectors.

Mr. Qayoumi has also explained to the participants about the government's plans for water management, agricultural development, irrigation programs, establishment of large and small dams, and energy.