DG Budget
The Budget Department is responsible for budget operations, strategic planning, and reporting, financial analysis on proposed and actual legislation affecting the national budget of Afghanistan. The government’s vision for Afghanistan is a prosperous nation where citizens enjoy security of person and property. In this environment, ordinary Afghan women and men can dream of a better life for their children than they have now. The funding and programs contained in the national budget are designed to lay the foundations for this.
The Budget Concept
The resources available to Afghanistan are limited. The allocation of these resources needs to be coordinated to ensure that they are directed to their highest priority. To do this, all available resources need to be reflected in the budget. Difficult choices have to be made between competing demands and trade-offs between different options need to be considered. Through a coordinated budget process the government can choose the most important projects and activities from among all the competing priorities. In this way the budget is the central tool of policymaking.
The Budget Process
Ensures all competing priorities are considered together and resources are allocated to the most important areas Ensures that the overall investment program meets the national priorities Forces government ministers who usually focus on their area of responsibility to take a more comprehensive approach, and to evaluate their programs against the programs of other ministers Coordinates the development activities of foreign governments Within the structure of the government, individual ministers are given the responsibility by the government to deliver their programs. They are also accountable to the Afghan people, their colleagues in the government, and to the international community for their performance and the delivery of the investment program. For more information, please visit:
The Budget Department website
Announcements More
MoF Approves Decisions of Second Meeting of Tariff Committee of Current Fiscal Year
Second meeting of the Tariff Committee that had been convened on the 20th of September (29th Sanbula),
NOTIC For Iron Traders!
According to the order of the Prime Ministership of IEA, the export of any kind of iron equipment and tools is prohibited.