Ministry of Finance Signs Cooperation Agreement with the Saudi Arabia Embassy and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) for the Voluntary Return of Afghans

Sat, May 30 2020 3:11 PM

On May 30, 2020 H.E. Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal, Acting Minister of Finance signed a cooperation agreement for voluntary return of Afghan refugees with Mr. Jassim bin Mohammed Al-Khalidi, Saudi Arabian ambassador to Kabul, and Ms. Caroline Van Buren, UNHCR representative to Afghanistan.

The total value of the agreement is $ 30 million, which will be fulfilled in several phases. Today, agreement for the 1st phase that is worth $10 million was signed; this phase is expected to be implemented by the end of 2021. The first phase of the agreement includes establishing seven health centers and clinics in 12 provinces; constructing of 13 schools in eight provinces; and implementing 11 small and medium infrastructure projects in different provinces.

The project will be implemented through the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and will be funded through Saudi Arabia Fund out of the national budget.

These projects will help improve health status, education, and infrastructure affairs of Afghan refugees returning to the country. The next phases, containing $20 million, will be implemented after the first phase finishes.

H.E. Arghandiwal, the Acting Minister of Finance, expressed his gratitude for Saudi’s assistance and cooperation in repatriating Afghan refugees and combating coronavirus in Afghanistan.

The Acting Minister of Finance emphasized that the Afghan government wishes the honorable return of Afghan refugees and tries to provide them the necessary infrastructures to resettle in the country. Meanwhile, he asked the UN high commissioner for refugees to make the spending transparent and effective.

The UNHCR representative to Afghanistan assured that they will make the expenditures transparent, and effective, and provide the Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan Governments the reports of activities and accomplishments.



The Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Kabul stated that Afghanistan is one of our friends and it is our pleasure to assist in any way we can. Saudi Arabia wants a stable and prosperous Afghanistan, and our assistance will continue for different sectors, he added. The assistance today is for the Afghan refugees willing return to their country.