Clarification from the Ministry of Finance about the Craftmen and Shopkeepers Tax Regulations

Thu, Jan 12 2023 12:03 PM

Many shopkeepers in Kabul and other provinces have complained that the Ministry of Finance raised their tax rates after the Islamic Emirate took over.
The Ministry of Finance denies the claims of shopkeepers and taxpayers, citing the following:
Since the Islamic Emirate retook power in Afghanistan, no tax has been raised; even the tax rate for small businesses and shopkeepers, which was previously 1.5 percent on sales, has been reduced to 0.5 percent, and all tax penalties have been eliminated.
The complaints about the tax increase have two reasons:
Initially, a number of shopkeepers had not registered their businesses or paid their taxes, but they are now registered with the Ministry of Finance, and taxes are collected from them.
Second, some taxpayers' taxes were not collected due to corruption; however, all taxpayers' taxes are now collected in a fair and lawful manner.
As a result, the guild tax has not increased, and professional personnel collect the specified taxes from all taxpayers and send them to the government's national treasury in a transparent manner.
Note: If a taxpayer has a complaint about the relevant departments, they can contact the General Directorate of Revenue or call (1000) for Taxpayer Services.