The Technical Meeting of Partnership Framework for Development Conference- 2020

On Oct 20, 2020, the technical Meeting of Afghanistan Partnership Framework for Development Conference- 2020 held and chaired by Mr. Mohammad Naser Sidiqee –General Director of Monitoring and Evaluation and Acting Deputy Minister-Policy of Finance Ministry.
Technicalmembers have discussed the Development Conference of Afghanistan framework, taking place in late November 2020.
The Acting Deputy Minister of Policy said; the Geneva Development Conference will be co-hosted by Afghanistan, Finland, and the United Nations, and will be the last international conference on Afghanistan until the end of 2024.
Mr. Sidiqee added; the framework’s name has been changed from Mutual-Accountability to Partnership Framework based on the development partners and leadership of the Afghan Government’s agreement and the new framework seeks to reduce the number of commitments and will focus more on extensive and major reforms.

In the end, the committee members share their comments and opinions to make the commitments better and realistic.
Likewise, Mr. Sidiqee introduced and explained the new cooperation framework replacement and the Geneva Mutual Accountability Framework commitments.