نور اعلانونه
Important notice regarding Kabul International Airport Customs Directorate
All those esteemed government agencies, domestic and foreign institutions, private corporations and individuals who
Based on the order of the leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) and the decision of the Economic
Small taxpayers’ (craftsmen & shopkeepers) taxes, arrears, and tax penalties waiver notice:
For the purpose to motivate and bring ease into doing business for small taxpayers, based on
According to the provision of article 33 of Tax Administration Law, all accountants and consultants who provide tax consultancy services, documents preparation, accounting and other . . .
Announcements More
MoF Approves Decisions of Second Meeting of Tariff Committee of Current Fiscal Year
Second meeting of the Tariff Committee that had been convened on the 20th of September (29th Sanbula),
NOTIC For Iron Traders!
According to the order of the Prime Ministership of IEA, the export of any kind of iron equipment and tools is prohibited.