Construction of a national market for coal has started in Maidan Wardag province

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۲/۴/۱ - ۱۲:۳۳

The construction of a national standard coal processing center has been started by the National Development Corporation of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in the area of Kota Ashro, the center of Maidan Wardag province.
Officials of the National Development Corporation of the MoF, local officials of Maidan Wardag province, religious scholars and people of mentioned province participated in the meeting organized for this purpose.
Maulawi Abdul Wali Adel, Financial and Administrative Assistant of the National Development Corporation, said that with the re-establishment of the Islamic Emirate (IEA) in the country, special attention has been paid to the development projects and the financing of the projects is also completed from the national budget. Honorable Adel added that the IEA is fully committed to the implementation of major national economic projects by making good use of the available economic resources for the economic self-sufficiency of the country.
Qari Bakhtiar Muaaz, the governor of Maidan Wardag province, named the coal project as a national project and said that it will provide employment to a large number of citizens and different parts of Maidan Wardag province will be reconstructed with the commence of mentioned project.
Haji Ghiyasuddin Rishtin spoke on behalf of the people of Maidan Wardag province and thanked the officials of the IEA for opening this great project. As a representative of the people, Mr. Rishtin expressed full support and assurance of this national project and said that the people are ready for any kind of cooperation in the implementation of the project.


It is worth mentioning that this national center is being built on 700 acres (Jiribs) of land according to national and international standards, and after processing and packaging the coal of Balkhab, it will be exported to foreign countries.

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پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۲/۱۰/۱۴ - ۱۰:۲۲
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